We Put Florida First


Ayesha Solomon


Ayesha Solomon was elected to the office of Alachua County Property Appraiser in 2021 after a diversified 19-year career in the office.

Raised in East Gainesville

Ms. Solomon grew up in East Gainesville.  She recognizes the disparities in her community and knows how strong the community is in that area.  As an elected official, she will to work to make sure that everyone has access to basic services, like the Property Appraiser’s office.

Worked Her Way Up

Ms. Solomon started working in the Property Appraiser’s office nineteen years ago in the Customer Service and Exemptions Department. She worked her way up through multiple departments, earning promotions and learning the inner workings of each department.  She holds a current Florida Real Estate License.  She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems and a master’s degree in Business Administration specializing in Project Management.  Ms. Solomon has established a solid reputation as a leader and manager.  She is highly skilled in analyzing problems, establishing and fostering functional organizational units and developing, and implementing solutions for increased business effectiveness.

Her 19 years of experience, combined with a great passion to serve her community, qualifies her as an outstanding leader as the Alachua County Property Appraiser.  Solomon’s key initiatives for the Property Appraiser's office are focused on producing a fair and equitable tax roll by maintaining transparency, embracing new and innovative technology, enhancing community outreach and increasing exceptional customer service for all taxpayers in Alachua County.

Contact Information

Mailing Address
515 North Main Street
Suite 200
Gainesville, FL 32601
Phone: (352) 374-5230
Fax: (352) 374-5278

Email: acpa@acpafl.org

Additional Information

Jim Durrance
Records Management Liaison Officer
Phone: (352) 374-5230
Fax: (352) 374-5278
Email: jdurrance@acpafl.org

Jeff Boyd
Public Information Coordinator
Phone: (352) 374-5230
Email: jboyd@acpafl.org