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From Our President
Welcome and thank you for visiting our FAPA website!
As President of the Florida Association of Property Appraisers (FAPA), I am honored to welcome you to our official website. FAPA is comprised of constitutionally elected property appraisers from across the state of Florida, representing over 80% of the total taxable real estate value and population in our state. Our association plays a vital role in working with the Florida Legislature to support property tax policies that benefit all Floridians.
Our members meet regularly to monitor legislative developments, share expertise with lawmakers, and collaborate with other agencies on critical issues affecting property taxation and valuation. This collective effort has led to meaningful legislative victories. In 2024, FAPA helped pass a law that protects the confidentiality of personal information submitted to the clerk of the court and the property appraiser’s office when registering for a recording notification service. In past legislative sessions, we spearheaded the expansion of the Total and Permanently Disabled First Responder Exemption to include federal law enforcement members and the surviving spouses of the first responders employed by the US government. Additionally, FAPA helped create and pass legislation making it easier for totally and permanently disabled veterans to receive a refund on property taxes paid for a newly acquired homesteaded property.
FAPA remains committed to advocating for fair and efficient property tax policies on behalf of the residents we serve. I encourage you to explore our website, learn more about our work, and stay informed about issues that impact property owners across Florida.
Ayesha Solomon
Who We Are
The Florida Association of Property Appraisers (FAPA) is a statewide professional organization comprised of locally elected, constitutionally authorized property appraisers. FAPA member counties represent over 80% of the total taxable real estate value and population in the state of Florida. The duties of the property appraiser in administering local ad valorem tax valuations are defined in Florida Statutes. FAPA, in their professional meetings and seminars, provides continuing education and legislative updates to its members on a regular basis in an effort to maintain the highest professional standards in the real estate assessment industry.
FAPA's high professional standards and strong professional working relationships with other constitionally elected officers associations, the Florida Department of Revenue, the Florida Association of Counties, and the Florida League of Cities make FAPA the leading property appraiser association in Florida.
Our Resources
Frequently asked questions
See all of our FAQs, and contact us if you have a question that isn’t addressed.
Check out our latest events and educational opportunities.
Our Members
FAPA members meet at least three times a year in conferences around the State of Florida to conduct business meetings and for continuing education on ever-changing property appraisal techniques, and potential changes due to Legislative action.